Investing in unlisted private equity investments normally takes place step by step, in contrast to the process for listed investments. At the start of the investment period, the capital commitment is required to be paid in gradually (“capital call”). As time goes on, the first distributions are paid out as capital calls continue to be made. As a result of these fund flows, unlisted private equity investments are not evaluated in the same way as listed equities using past performance and key risk ratios. Key figures, such as the internal rate of return (IRR), total value to paid-in capital (TVPI), vintage year or public-market equivalent (PME), are used to measure performance.
Would you like support with private equity investments? We would be happy to use our expertise and systems to assist you in the following areas:
As of set dates, we analyse the earnings, risk, structure and costs of your private equity investments and review whether they meet your criteria and objectives and whether the terms conform to the market. We use the results of our analysis to offer you concrete options.
We support you in selecting the right way to implement your choice and the right asset manager. As part of our structured and transparent process, we evaluate potential solutions both quantitatively and qualitatively on the basis of the criteria that we have identified with the client. The process also includes the presentation of the evaluation results and the chairing of any “beauty contest”. Our transparent evaluation report offers decision-makers an independent and meaningful basis for their decision.
We monitor and control your private equity investments either on a periodic or transaction basis. A controlling report tailored to your requirements displays the results of the review and any potential options you may have, in various levels of detail.
Our tailored, meaningful reports give a consolidated view of your private equity investments and include management-relevant information about their structure and performance. We are also able to include private equity investments in our reports on the overall asset portfolio.