Authorized Person
LMM Investment Controlling AG, Vaduz
Liechtenstein Public Register No.
Wirtschaftskammer Liechtenstein, Schaan
Handelskammer Schweiz Österreich Liechtenstein
Schweizerischer Pensionskassenverband
Bundessenat Wirtschaft und Technologie®
© Copyright LMM Investment Controlling AG, Vaduz
Concept and Design
Büro für Gebrauchsgraphik AG, Vaduz
Website Realisation
Sitewalk Est. - Websites & Online Marketing
No warranty
LMM Investment Controlling exercises the greatest of care when compiling the information on its website. Nonetheless, it does not warrant that the information on the website is correct, complete or up to date. The website’s contents are subject to change at any time without prior notice.
No liability
LMM Investment Controlling AG disclaims all liability (including for negligence) for loss or damage (both direct and indirect as well as for consequential damage) of any kind that could arise out of or in connection with the use of, access to or request for information from its website or from the use of links from its website to any third-party websites
Copyright notice
All of the content and structure of LMM Investment Controlling AG website is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. You may not reproduce all or any part of this website or transfer same electronically or by other means or modify or use same for public or commercial purposes without LMM Investment Controlling AG’s prior written permission.
Links to third-party websites
You may access third-party websites via hyperlinks. LMM Investment Controlling AG does not accept any responsibility for the content of such sites or their offerings (products, services, etc.).
E-mail communications
Currently, LMM Investment Controlling AG uses open and unencrypted e-mails. Thus, we cannot rule out the possibility that data transmitted by e-mail could be read by a third party or that contact between you and our institution could be traced. In addition, it is possible that the data may be transferred across borders even if the sender and the recipient are located in the same country.
Accordingly, communication by e-mail does not always guarantee adequate privacy. We therefore ask you not to use this medium for transmitting client data or business instructions.