Investing in unlisted real-estate investments offers a very broad range of possibilities. For example, an investment can be done either directly or indirectly via a collective scheme. The investment strategy (core, value added, opportunistic) is just as decisive as characteristic of the investment as the usage pattern (residential, office, logistics), the region or the capital structure. For the analysis, monitoring, assessment and comparison of real-estate investments, the individual details of the specific real estate, such as vacancy rate, rental-default rate and residual contractual lease term, are the key items to consider, alongside traditional investment-evaluation criteria.
Thanks to our expertise and systems, we can offer you the transparency and summarised views you want, and support you in the following areas:

We send you consolidated, clear, consistent and well-ordered reports on your real-estate investments, based on set dates, together with a comparison with the current positions with your objectives. The analysis evaluates the quality, appropriateness and diversification of the investments and outlines the steps you can take.

We support you in selecting the right way to implement your choice and the right asset manager. As part of our structured and transparent process, we evaluate potential solutions both quantitatively and qualitatively on the basis of the criteria that we have identified with the client. The process also includes the presentation of the evaluation results and the chairing of any “beauty contest”. Transparent reporting of the results offers decision-makers an independent, objective and meaningful basis for their decision.

We monitor and control your real-estate investments either on a periodic or transaction basis. A controlling report tailored to your requirements displays the results of the review and any options you may have, in various levels of detail.

Our tailored, meaningful reports give a consolidated view of your unlisted real-estate investments and include management-relevant information about their structure and performance. We are also able to include listed real estate in our reports on the overall asset portfolio.