When investing sustainably, ecological, social and governance considerations also play a part when selecting and managing securities, in addition to economic factors. These three types of criteria are often abbreviated to “ESG” (Environmental, Social, Governance).
Is sustainable investing important to you, too? We would be happy to offer you support in the following areas:
We analyse investments from a sustainability perspective. The analysis includes the following information: ESG rating, UN global business involvement exposure and carbon emissions.
We support you when it comes to implementing the sustainability theme. Alongside actually implementing the theme and the methodology, we suggest a range of criteria and options covering how to do so.
The use of sustainability criteria brings with it the need to monitor and control them. We provide you with the results of our review of compliance with these specific criteria.
Our sustainability reports are based on the MSCI ESG criteria. Thanks to this transparent, internationally known, neutral and thus comparable survey, absolute and relative risks can be identified and sustainable investment objectives formulated, implemented and monitored.